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Tulsa Rally

Supporters Make a Pre-Election Push for SQ 794
Election day is right around the corner, so supporters of SQ 794 have been out in full force!  This week we enjoyed coffee with supporters in Enid and Bartlesville to discuss the need for Constitutional rights for crime victims.  Additionally, we provided information and materials about SQ 794, as well as campaign gear, including t-shirts and signs. 

If you’re near Tulsa on Monday, please join us for a pre-election rally from 6 - 8 p.m. at the Woody Guthrie Center; 102 E Mathew B. Brady St, Tulsa, OK 74103.  This is free and everyone is welcome, so bring your friends and family too. The event is co-hosted by Tulsans Sheri Farmer and Vicki Jabara, both victims of crime who have lost loved ones to violence.  You can find more information on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/340038900136262/

And, here’s a brief reminder of some of the constitutional-level rights guaranteed to victims and their families by State Question 794:


  • The right to have standing in court
  • The right to present at all proceedings involving the case
  • The right to reasonable and timely notice of proceedings
  • The right to be heard in any proceeding during which a right of the victim is implicated including release, plea, sentencing, disposition, parole, revocation, expungement or pardon
  • The right to timely notice of any release, escape or death of the accused, if the accused is in custody or on supervision at the time of death
  • The right to proceedings free from unreasonable delay
  • The right to timely information about the outcome of the case


For more information, visit www.yesonsq794.com.

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