Marsy's Law for Oklahoma

On November 6, 2018, voters in Oklahoma passed Marsy’s Law overwhelmingly with 78% of the vote!

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What is Marsy’s Law?

Marsy’s Law is a national movement that aims to ensure victims of crime have meaningful and enforceable constitutional rights in the criminal justice system. Oklahoma voters overwhelmingly voted to pass Marsy’s Law on Nov. 6, 2018, in the form of a ballot initiative numbered State Question 794. As a result, today the Oklahoma Constitution guarantees greater protections for victims, survivors, and their families or guardians.


Supporters' Stories

These are some of the Oklahomans who fought to pass Marsy’s Law.

Leesa Sparks wants to change a system that neglected her

Leesa Sparks wants to change a system that neglected her

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Leesa Sparks wants to change a system that neglected her

Leesa Sparks wants to change a system that neglected her

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Virginia Lewis wants to balance the scales of justice

Virginia Lewis wants to balance the scales of justice

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Latest News

Stay up-to-date on the latest news about Marsy's Law and victims' rights in Oklahoma

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2022 In Review
As we look back on 2022, this year offered a full circle or pivotal moment for a few priorities for our team, leading to great waves of inspiration as we continue to support the statewide movement...
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Pressing on Through a Challenging Year
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The Year Ahead: 2021
Marsy’s Law for Oklahoma launched just over four years ago, in January 2017. Since then, we’ve campaigned statewide, worked alongside crime victims and advocates in securing an overwhelming victory...